Petition Request Form
The Internet Society Nominations Committee has published a slate of candidates for election to the Board of Trustees in 2024. Additional nominations for election to the Board may be made by petition by persons who wish to be added to the slate. Petitions sent to the Chair of the the Internet Society Nominations Committee using the form below will be accepted until 15:00 UTC on Tuesday, 20 February 2024.
Upon receipt and validation of your petition request, the information you provide below will be posted on the the Internet Society website along with a link to a unique petition “mailbox”. For your name to be added to the slate, your petition mailbox must receive a minimum number of valid signatures (i.e., emails) from authorized voting members in the desired election. If you select “Chapters Election” below, your petition mailbox must receive at least 8 signatures from Chapter voting delegates. If you select “Organization Members Election” below, your petition mailbox must receive at least six signatures from Organization Member voting representatives. Only signatures received from authorized voters will be counted. A signature from the petitioner himself or herself will not be counted.
The deadline for receipt of signature emails in support of all petition requests is 15:00 UTC on Tuesday, 27 February 2024. See the Petitions page for additional information.
The petition period is now closed.